Boost Your Conversions with

Great UI UX Design & CRO.

Our Systematic Approach to

UI/UX Development

At Wilyfox Media Co., we acknowledge the intrinsic correlation between UI/UX and CRO, recognizing their interdependence in shaping a cohesive user-to-customer journey. Our emphasis on UI/UX is dedicated to enhancing the visitor experience upon arrival on your website, a pivotal aspect influencing Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). A favorable website experience significantly heightens the probability of customers undertaking desired actions.

In our steadfast commitment to aligning synergy between UI/UX and CRO, Wilyfox Media Co. emerges as a comprehensive digital agency specializing in both domains. Our proficient team is devoted to amplifying your website’s conversion rates by fostering heightened visitor engagement and delivering an augmented user experience. Through the seamless integration of UI/UX and CRO strategies, we endeavor to fortify your enterprise, generating an increased influx of qualified leads for your sales pipeline and cultivating heightened revenue, ensuring enduring prosperity in the digital realm.

Supercharge Your Sales Funnel

With Wilyfox Media's CRO Services

At Wilyfox Media Co., we acknowledge the fundamental significance of a captivating UI/UX in the transition from visitors to leads within the conversion journey. Drawing upon our considerable expertise, we have meticulously formulated a structured and refined UI/UX development process to guarantee the efficacy and triumph of your website’s user interface and experience.



We commence by precisely delineating the objectives of your website’s UI/UX and pinpointing the essential actions you aim for visitors to undertake, such as registering for a demo or accessing lead magnets like eBooks/whitepapers. We ascertain that these objectives harmonize with the optimization of the user journey, thereby augmenting conversions and optimizing ROI.



We assess your products/services, undertake market analysis, and engage in competitor research prior to formulating the UI/UX design. Subsequently, employing empathy and journey maps, we gain insights into the user’s mindset, thoughts, and actions, thereby crafting a website that seamlessly aligns with the needs of your audience.



Develop interactive prototypes to simulate user interactions and devise navigable mock-ups to assess the usability of the interface. Subsequently, informed by feedback and observations from stakeholders, we iterate, refine, and generate alternative prototypes to attain a compelling design.



Upon approval of the wireframe, we engage in collaborative efforts with developers to transform the design into a functional UI. With an unwavering emphasis on fostering seamless navigation and responsive elements, we facilitate periodic walkthroughs to secure stakeholders’ endorsement.



We conduct UI/UX user testing sessions with stakeholders to ensure alignment with the established objectives. Additionally, we scrutinize user interactions documented in session recording tools to assess user journeys and pinpoint areas of concern.



Utilizing tools like Google Analytics and Hotjar, we monitor conversion rates across various phases of the user journey, discerning points where visitor progression deviates from anticipated outcomes. Subsequently, we implement requisite modifications to augment the holistic user experience.

Supercharge Your Sales Funnel

With Wilyfox Media's CRO Services

It is a big waste of your marketing efforts and paid media spending if your web pages cannot convert visitors into leads.This is when Wilyfox Media Co. can do an in-depth audit of your website and optimise UI/UX to boost conversions. Some of the techniques we use:

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Why Choose Us As Your

Digital Strategy Agency?

Boost Client’s Revenue Growth from $600k to $5 Million

4+ years of Marketing Strategy Experience

Goal-Oriented Digital Marketing Strategy

Full-Service Digital Marketing Agency

Masters of Testing, Iteration, Optimisation

Frequently Asked Questions

What is UI/UX design?

UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) design are disciplines that focus on creating user-friendly and visually appealing digital experiences. UI design deals with the look and layout of a website or application. In contrast, UX design focuses on the overall user journey and the satisfaction users derive while interacting with the website.

How UI/UX design services can enhance my website's performance?

UI/UX design services can enhance website performance by improving user experience, increasing usability, and optimising the interface. This leads to higher user engagement, lower bounce rates, improved conversion rates, and overall enhanced satisfaction for your website visitors.

Can you create a user-friendly website for my business?

Absolutely, we create user-friendly interfaces through a combination of thoughtful design, intuitive navigation, clear information architecture, and responsive layouts. We analyse your products or services, conduct competitor research, prioritise user needs, and incorporate best practices to create a seamless and user-friendly interface.

Can you perform website audit for existing design?

Yes, we can conduct a comprehensive audit of your existing website design. This involves evaluating the UI/UX, identifying areas for improvement, assessing user flow, and providing recommendations to enhance the design, usability, and overall user experience. Click here to book a free consultation with our UI/UX experts.

Do you conduct user testing during the UI/UX design process?

Yes! We conduct user testing during the UI/UX design process as it is essential to ensure that the product meets the user’s needs and expectations. Our approach involves gathering real users to interact with prototypes or the live website and collecting feedback on usability, navigation, and overall experience. This iterative testing helps us refine and optimise the design based on genuine user insights, ensuring a user-friendly and effective interface.

What is Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)?

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) is the process of refining a website or landing page to boost the percentage of visitors who complete desired actions like purchases, sign-ups, or form submissions. It involves analysing user behavior, conducting A/B testing, and implementing changes to enhance the chances of conversion.

How can CRO help my business?

CRO involves enhancing user experiences, boosting customer engagement, and ultimately helping you achieve your business goals more effectively. It significantly benefits your business by increasing conversion rates, leading to higher revenue and better ROI on your marketing efforts.

What is a good conversion rate for a business?

A good conversion rate varies by industry and business type. Generally, a conversion rate between 2% to 5% is considered average, but what’s deemed “good” depends on factors like your specific industry, target audience, and business goals. The main goal of CRO is to improve your existing rate, whatever it may be.

Do implementing CRO plan improves marketing efforts?

Absolutely, CRO involves analysing data to understand user behaviour and preferences. This insight can be used to improve website design and content. Additionally, it enhances marketing efforts by ensuring that traffic to your website or landing pages results in meaningful actions.

What CRO strategies and techniques do you use to improve conversion rates?

Some of the CRO techniques we use include A/B testing, user behavior analysis, determining funnel leakage, using heatmap, landing page optimisation, improving site speed and mobile responsiveness, enhancing calls to action, and reducing friction in the conversion process. We tailor these strategies to your specific business needs.

How do you measure CRO performance?

We measure CRO performance by tracking key metrics such as conversion rate, click-through rate, bounce rate, and revenue generated from conversions. Continuous monitoring and analysis help us identify improvement areas and gauge our strategies’ effectiveness.

What do Wilyfox Media's Conversion Rate Optimisation services include?

Our conversion rate optimisation services encompass a comprehensive approach to improving conversion rates. We offer a range of services, including website and landing page audits, A/B testing, user experience optimisation, data analysis, and ongoing monitoring. Book a free consultation with our experts to understand our CRO services.

Do you provide ongoing CRO services, or is it a one-time optimisation?

We provide both ongoing CRO services and one-time optimisation, depending on the needs and goals of our clients.

For clients who are looking for a one-time optimisation, we can perform a thorough CRO audit of their website, identify areas of improvement, and implement changes to optimise conversion rates. This includes analysing the website’s user flow, conducting usability tests, optimising landing pages, and testing different calls-to-action.

However, for clients who understand the importance of ongoing CRO, we offer continuous monitoring and optimisation services. This involves regularly tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), analysing user behaviour through heatmaps and session recordings, and conducting A/B tests to fine-tune the conversion funnel.

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Explore how Wilyfox Media Co. can cater to all your digital marketing requirements and yield the anticipated outcomes for your enterprise.